January Edition: Open webOS: Enyo 2.2 will support Blackberry 10 and Windows 8.
WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.January Edition: Open webOS: Enyo 2.2 will support Blackberry 10 and Windows 8.
The latest information of webOS Open Project:
New features for developers, the return of Virtualbox emulator, meta-webos to Yocto 1.3 upgraded, next release of Enyo 2.2 will include Windows 8 and BlackBerry 10 app support, and more you can read on the original post bellow:
January Edition
Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone was gifted some new hardware to port Open webOS to! We are kicking off the New Year with some new features and updates.
First off is the return of the Virtualbox emulator. In the original webOS SDK, the emulator was an important tool for app developers. Developers used the emulator to test device specific features without having to buy hardware or get early access to new devices. On Open webOS, this is even more important for developers, who would otherwise have to worry about what hardware Open webOS is ported to. If you are an app developer and want to know more, we did a post last month on how to useEnyo 2 with phone-gap for cross-platform apps on Open webOS.
This month we upgraded meta-webos to Yocto 1.3. This brings new features and bug fixes to the build process. You can read more about it here from the mailinglist. Also, we are currently upgrading thenodejs platform. Watch out for 0.8.18 hitting the node repo in the coming days.
Earlier this month we had the privilege of having Tom King (who is leading the WebOS-Ports effort) stop in to meet with us. The team are feverishly preparing for their beta release on Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 7. We have established a great relationship with Tom. In his own words, “the meetings went well”, and we are working hard on clearing any roadblocks that are ahead of them. Tom left with some additional Nexus hardware for people working on the beta. If this interests you, catch Tom on IRC: #webos-ports on Freenode under ka6sox.
Over at Open webOS’s sister project Enyo, the team is hard at work on their next release. Enyo 2.2 will include Windows 8 and BlackBerry 10 app support, a Contextual Popup widget, some cool new list functionality, and a slew of other enhancements and fixes. Watch the Enyo site for updates or follow them on Twitter: @EnyoJS.
Look for the Developer Relations and Enyo team members at Apps-World next week (February 7th and 8th) in San Francisco. We have two on-stage presentations and are participating in panel about “Exploring cross platform development tools”. Stop by our booth, say hello, and stay for one of our theater sessions on Enyo — you could win some really cool hardware.
We also will be attending the Embedded Linux conference as part of the HP booth (February 20th-22nd). Also look out for our community manager Roy Sutton (@pre101) at SCaLE (February 22nd-24th)
As always your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Post Title :
January Edition: Open webOS: Enyo 2.2 will support Blackberry 10 and Windows 8.