Looking for someone to build your Enyo app?

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesùs.

Looking for someone to build your Enyo app? 

Enyo has launched an Enyo developer directory. Companies from the USA and Europe are on the list:

And Enyo has made an announcement about it and more:

Announcing the Enyo Developer Directory

When we’re out and about, we tend to meet a lot of talented and successful developers doing great things with Enyo — and looking for opportunities to do more.

We also run into people who have great ideas (or pressing needs) for apps, but don’t have resources in-house to take on an Enyo project.

Being of the problem-solving type, we realized we could do something to bring these folks together. Here it is: the Enyo Developer Directory.

If you’re looking for a top-notch Enyo developer in Europe or the US, odds are you’ll find one here. And if you’re a developer who belongs on this list, please send us a note (enyojs@palm.com) to learn more.

P.S: While we were gathering contact info for the directory, we took the opportunity to collect some great new quotes from Enyo developers. Check them out on our updated Testimonials page!

There is also a Enyo apps showcase here:

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